Maria Teresa (Maite) Gomis-Quinto (M.A. West Virginia University) is a Professor of Practice in Spanish at Goucher College, MD. She teaches elementary Spanish courses, designs and leads study abroad programs, and is in charge of Spanish cultural activities on campus. Her field of study focuses on Teaching Spanish and English as a Foreign Language, and Education. She is currently broadening her knowledge in the field of technology of education, what she envisions will be the future of Foreign Language learning.
Moreno-López, I., Ramos-Sellman, A., Miranda-Aldaco, C., & Gomis-Quinto, M. (2017). Transforming Ways of Enhancing Foreign Language Acquisition in the Spanish Classroom: Experiential Learning Approaches. Foreign Language Annals. In press.
Mellon Sustainability Institute Grant
Recipient of a Mellon Grant to infuse sustainability in an elementary Spanish course
(SP 110). Students created a brochure in Spanish about topics related to Environmental
sustainability in their communities.
Think Outside the Classroom: Innovative Ways of Enhancing Foreign Language Learning.
Co-presentation: Dr Isabel Moreno-López , Dr. Aida Ramos-Sellman, and Dr. Citlali
Miranda-Aldaco.Twenty-Second International Conference on Learning in the San Pablo
University (CEU), Madrid, Spain. July 9-11, 2015
The 21st Century Spanish Courses: Innovative Technologies and Global Education.”
Connecticut Council of LanguageTeachers (CT COLT). Co-presented with Dr Isabel Moreno-López
and Dr. Aida Ramos-Sellman. Conference Center in Waterbury, CT. Dec 2012